“Dear Lana, by the time you read this, I'll be back home in Lincoln. I'm scared of what's ahead, but when I think of you... I know I'll be able to go on. You were right. Memphis isn't far at all. I'll be makin a trip out on the highway before too long. I'll be waitin for ya. Love always and forever. Brandon” Boys don't cry, but sometimes boys can be sad too. 无法接纳他人的不同可悲且可恨希拉里演得太好了全片最让我心碎的片段是Brandon被迫扒下衣服时恍惚间仿佛看见衣着整齐的自己就站在对面微笑着望向此时的自己他该以怎样的心情面对依旧是真实事件改编看完电影去搜了原型长得也特别好看但他的生命却永远定格在了1993年12月31日Brandon Teena, you will be remembered, always.
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